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Dell Inspiron 15 5565 Compal BAL23 LA-D804P Rev 1.0(A00) schematic + BoardView(.brd + .cad)

100.00 RUB

   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

About This File

Схема + BoardView(.brd + .cad)

Dell Inspiron 15-5565 

Compal BAL23 LA-D804P 

Rev 1.0(A00) 

.brd open - Allegro Free Physical Viewer 17.2

.cad open - BoardViewer




What's New in Version 12/26/2021 04:13 AM


Схема + BoardView(.brd + .cad)

Dell Inspiron 15-5565 

Compal BAL23 LA-D804P 

Rev 1.0(A00) 

.brd open - Allegro Free Physical Viewer 17.2

.cad open - BoardViewer


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Response from the author:

Open - Allegro Free Physical Viewer 17.2


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